The Best Way to Unclog a Vape Cart

Trouble with your vape pen? If you’re a CBD and cannabis oil vape user, chances are you have experienced a clogged cartridge at some point. Clogs can be really frustrating when they happen unexpectedly, but the good news is that there’s usually an easy fix! In this blog post, we’ll share simple tips for unclogging your vape cart so you can get back to using it as soon as possible. Let’s dive in!

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Why is My Vape Cartridge Clogged?

When it comes to using an oil vape cart, the last thing you want is for it to get clogged and stop working. But why does this happen? It all comes down to proper airflow. If your dab pen isn’t producing enough airflow, the oil may not be able to vaporize properly. This can lead to a clogged cart that won’t produce any vapor no matter how many times you hit it.

So, if you’re experiencing an issue where your cartridge won’t heat up, the first thing you should check are the intake holes. These are the small holes at the bottom of your cartridge where the oil is heated. If the oil inside the cartridge is too thick, it can clog up the intake holes and prevent your vape from functioning the way it should.

Imagine a tiny sponge inside your vape cartridge that warms the oil. Now, for this to work effectively, you want the oil to be thin, so it can soak through the intake holes and into the sponge. But, if the oil is too thick, the intake holes get clogged and the sponge doesn’t soak enough oil. That’s when problems arise – like vapor leaking from the bottom of your cart.

To ensure your cartridge functions correctly, it’s important the oil is warm enough to be heated up by the battery. That’s why you may have noticed the oil inside the cartridge gets thinner as you keep hitting your vape pen.  When it’s freezing or you haven’t used your vape cartridge in a while, the oil inside starts to thicken. As a result the intake holes to become clogged and there is no oil passing through the atomizer.

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How to Unclog A Vape Cart?

  1. Use a vape cart battery with a preheat function. The preheat function is designed to warm up the oil inside your cart pen for a smoother, more consistent vaping experience. Essentially, by preheating the oil, you can avoid any unwanted clogs or dry hits that can impact the quality of your session.
  2. Simply press the button twice quickly.  This will activate the pre-heat function on your 510 thread battery. Don’t worry if you see the button blinking or changing colors – this is completely normal.
  3. Wait 15 seconds. During this time, your battery will begin slowly warming up the oil in your vape cartridge at a low voltage. This makes it easier to take a hit.
  4. Repeat if necessary. If your vape cartridge is still not hitting or the oil is not becoming thinner, try the pre-heat function again. The thick oil might still be clogging the airway holes.
  5. Enjoy your vape cartridge or disposable. Once the oil is fully warmed up, all that’s left to do is enjoy your vape cartridge or disposable. So, take a deep breath and start vaping!

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To conclude, cannabis and CBD oil vape cartridges can easily stop working due to the thickness of their content, which can cause clogging. To prevent this from occurring, we recommend using a 510 vape battery with a pre-heat function. Doing so may help you save money by avoiding replacing malfunctioning cartridges and spare yourself the frustration in the long run.

Taking a few moments each time before you puff to check for buildup and warm up the concentrate with the preheat function will make all the difference. So use the pre-heat function on your cart battery now and keep your cartridges clear for many vaping sessions to come!